

Rhian Elycia McLeod is a professional artist based in Gol Gol, New South Wales. She completed a Bachelor of Fine Arts graduating with a distinction and since then has immersed herself in the arts in both her career and personal life. Rhian is a part time art teacher and practising artist with her first solo exhibition 'Woodland in Wonderland' shown at The Art Vault in 2015. She is currently working on her second exhibition and producing pieces for her print series. 

I find something quite captivating about certain creatures. The curve of an antler, the excessive ears of a jack rabbit, the forlorn stare of a moose. Not only do I aim to bring them to life, piece by piece, but to also detail certain characteristics such as the arrogant stance of the stag, the fragility of the deer and the quirky, erratic movements of a hare.

With a preference for working in small, fine detail, I look to enhance the creatures that inspire me and that I have a connection with. Each is chosen deliberately-a reference to a mood, a splinter of a memory or a recent inspiration. I aim to produce works which comprise not only of gentle, delicate imagery consisting of a soft tonal palette but to also create a surreal, zesty punch when viewed. I choose vivid and oversaturated colours that resonate with me to highlight the features I adore, and to, in a sense, incorporate a small piece of my personality into each one.

I aim to draw the viewer into a world of magnificent, statuesque creatures while adding a hint of humour by using colour to create a playful atmosphere.